
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Coverstitch Tutorial

In my previous post, I mentioned giving you all a tutorial on the method I used for coverstitching. I only recently discovered this method and it has made such a difference!  I used to just eyeball the coverstitch and trim any excess fabric from the back. But with this method, you coverstitch on the correct spot every time and there is no trimming necessary!  The underside is perfectly covered because you stitched in exactly the right spot. So here is how:

I used the seam guide attachment for my serger but you can just as easily use a pad of post its or painters tape to mark the spot. So first you need to get one of these items. For those who are not sure what your seam guide attachment looks like, here is a picture.
Seam guide attachment with screws that attach the seam guide to the machine
After you have this, take your item with the hem already pressed or fused into place.  Then put it WRONG SIDE UP underneath the presser foot to gauge the right spacing to align your stitches to your raw edge.

see how my raw edge is aligned exactly where the two needles with the thread will hit?
Once you have it perfectly aligned, tighten the screws on your seam guide or stick your post its or painters tape exactly at the right edge of your hem.

here is the post-it pad aligned

here is the seam guide aligned and screwed down
 Now that you have your alignment exact, flip your fabric over so the RIGHT SIDE IS UP...the way you want to coverstitch. Align the right side of the hem with your mark. (Either the post-its, tape, or seam guide)
fabric flipped over and aligned with the guide
Now you can begin to coverstitch while keeping your hem aligned with your mark. The stitches will end up exactly on the edge of your hem because you already checked the alignment ahead of time!
me stitching my faux hem
Here is a picture of my finished "hem".
wrong side--see how the edges are caught perfectly? No need to go back and trim!
Front side...perfect coverstitch!

Piece of cake right?  I can't believe I was ever just eyeballing it!  This method makes it so much easier!  I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions...I'll be happy to clarify!

Happy Coverstitching!


  1. Thanks for the tutorial - this is great! I use a 2-step process (basting at the sewing machine first), but this is one step and so much easier. I can't wait to try it - probably on my first Silhouette pattern. :)

    1. Yay! I am so glad it helped someone...I sometimes wonder if what I type gets out there :) Since I now know it does, I will make sure and do more of these mini tutorials!

  2. That's fantastic! I don't have a coverstitch, but I will keep this in mind when I get one.

  3. Boy did it help me. I have actually asked about this when I took a serger class and could not get an answer. This is so awesome. Thanks for the tute!

    1. Maybe I should do more serger related tutorials....I use my serger nearly almost as much as I use my sewing machine! And I even use all my serger attachments!

  4. What serger do you have? I need one with a coverstitch.

    1. I have a Babylock is the most wonderous serger. No tensions, easy jet air threading, the works. The Evolve is no longer made but its counterpart would be the Babylock Evolution.

  5. I've searched everywhere for a tute on how to do a hem on a leg. Meaning, not a flat piece of fabric, but a tube. Once the stitching meets, how do you finish it off? Help please!!!

    1. This tutorial explains exactly how I do it! It works amazingly every time. You can check it out here:

      I hope that helps!!

  6. Very helpful, thanks! I just got a separate cover stitch machine and am trying to learn how to use it..


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